Getting all of your college applications ready can be a very long and arduous process. When I started writing some of my essays it felt like I would never finish them, but now that i'm at the end of it I realized it was just a process. What I mean by that is that it is something that takes a long time and means so much, but many people have done it and it does get done. I wish I had known to trust myself with the process. It is so easy to get caught up in the hullabaloo of applying to college and get very stressed out, and while I didn't as much as others did I still got pretty stressed sometimes. For any future seniors I'm going to give the most cliche advice, start over the summer. If you start over the summer and make constant gradual progress you will be done before you know it. You have to make sure you keep working on your applications throughout the year, but if you do you will be ahead of everyone else. With all that being said I am very excited for college. High School has been great but I'll finally be able to focus on more difficult classes and they'll all be mostly STEM. Beyond that going off to college means a new step in independence which is scary but exciting.