My group has started working on our capstone project in earnest now. One of the things my group struggled with the most was identifying past solutions to the problem we chose. There are not many existing solutions so we had to focus on one existing solution. We ended up using Facebook's method for fact-checking. This was a great example because there are distinct advantages and disadvantages. I am most proud of how professional our problem justification document looks and feels. We put a lot of work into making that document helpful and clear. It was nice to hear positive feedback about our document from our mentors.
Although we have very clearly identified the problem my group is addressing, we have purposely avoided thinking of a specific solution. Looking at a problem with a distinct solution can cause problems because that solution is bound to be imperfect and you become married to it. To combat this my group is trying to get ideas from many different sources. Mainly our mentors and our fellow classmates. This leads to a more creative and broad list of potential solutions that we can draw from to make a better product.